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Videos and podcasts on key sustainability challenges

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De-Risk Your Agricultural Supply Chain

Supply Chain Engagement
Supply Chain Engagement
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In this episode, we explore current agricultural supply chain risks and mitigation measures. We cover:

  • Emerging threats: The macro and micro risks and  specific commodities most vulnerable to climate-related disruptions.
  • Building resilience: Strategies to strengthen your supply chain.
  • Environmental data impact: The impact on your environmental data and the role of technology to mitigate these risks.
  • Business case: How to value and communicate risk to bolster your sustainability business case.


Must Listen: Product Carbon Footprint Crash Course with Huel

Product Carbon Footprints
Product Carbon Footprints
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Saif Hameed and Jesica Sansom, Sustainability Director at Huel discuss how to set up product carbon footprints (PCFs) to deliver real business value.

We cover:

  • Data collection: The challenges and workarounds in collecting the granular data needed for reliable PCFs
  • Actionable insights: Best practices for using PCF to inform sustainable product design
  • Supplier collaboration: How Huel are fostering innovative solutions with suppliers e.g., rethinking ingredient production methods & running field trials with oat farmers
  • Claims & comms: How to communicate and demonstrate sustainability progress and why product labelling is not the silver bullet solution.


Turn Colleagues from Bystanders into Sustainability Champions with Arla

Sustainability Teams
Sustainability Teams
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Internal Engagement
Internal Engagement
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Camilla Riddiford, Head of Sustainability at Arla UK, shares her advice on how to turn colleagues from bystanders to sustainability champions (without breaking the bank or your sanity).

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Tailored communication strategies for diverse audiences
  • Effective content formats that resonate
  • Balancing data and narratives for a compelling business case
  • Prioritising upskilling, and training programs for key teams


Understanding the Supply Shed

Policy & Regulation
Policy & Regulation
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  • What is a supply shed, and how can it help you overcome challenges in reduction tracking
  • The benefits of using supply sheds include incentivising traceability and enabling collaboration.
  • Challenges to consider, like changes in your supplier base and attribution of reductions.
  • Recommendations for companies, from identifying key suppliers to monitoring interventions.
  • Is the supply shed here to stay?


Green Claims: A Challenger Playbook with Oatly

Green Claims
Green Claims
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How to: 

  • Define a bold and impactful communication style
  • Walk the line between “greenwashing” and “green hushing”
  • Approach on-pack PCFs
  • Capitalise on the commercial opportunities of carbon labelling


Plastic vs Paper, Methane Feed Supplements and EVs

Capital & Financing
Capital & Financing
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Nature & Land Use
Nature & Land Use
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  • Myth 1: We should be fazing out plastic
  • Myth 2: Feed supplements are the silver bullet to methane reduction
  • Myth 3: The future of ‘green transportation’ should be electrified.


Unfiltered Reflections on a 20+ Year Sustainability Career

Sustainability Teams
Sustainability Teams
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  • Saif's Journey: Lessons from activism, government work, NGO experience, and business ventures inform a robust approach to sustainability
  • Engaging Stakeholders: Collaboration techniques across activists, government officials, NGOs, and suppliers to accelerate change,
  • Why Altruistiq: The inspiration behind Altruistiq and what makes it different.

Sustainable Packaging Trade offs with Mondelēz

Product Carbon Footprints
Product Carbon Footprints
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  • Balancing trade-offs between product functionality and sustainability
  • EPR policy inconsistencies and how to manage these across 150+ markets.
  • Prioritising packaging initiatives: no brainer vs higher cost initiatives
  • Strategies for collaboration with packaging suppliers
  • Investing in innovative packaging solutions

Manage and Streamline CSRD Reporting

Policy & Regulation
Policy & Regulation
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  • How different companies are approaching CSRD
  • Which team(s) should own the CSRD reporting process
  • Double materiality assessment best practices
  • What to do with all the data that you're not ready for
  • How to move beyond compliance and make CSRD impactful


How to Set Up an Internal Sustainability Training Program

Internal Engagement
Internal Engagement
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  • Sustainability Linked Bonuses: Company-wide vs leadership (learnings from LEGO Group)
  • Topic Deep Dive: Internal Sustainability Training Program
  • Success Characteristics: The characteristics that distinguish a good training program from a transformative one
  • Prioritising Teams: Which teams will benefit most from sustainability training and how to prioritise
  • Creating Compelling Content: How to tailor content to resonate with specific team needs whilst making it scalable
  • Engagement Levers: The most effective tools. initiatives and experiences to engage leadership teams and company-wide.

Product Carbon Footprints, Eco Design and Green Claims

Capital & Financing
Capital & Financing
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  • Strategic Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) generation
  • Trends catalysing supplier asks for PCFs
  • How to use PCFs to re-engineer your product
  • How to pitch your PCF internally (to R&D, Marketing, and commercial teams) and externally (to customers and consumers)

Make your Sustainability Reporting Easier

Policy & Regulation
Policy & Regulation
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  • Key regulatory reporting trends: the evolving landscape, AI and what it means for your business.
  • How to optimise your reporting team: best practices for setting up a high-performing, reporting team.
  • Collaboration tips: strategies for working effectively with finance and legal on reporting.
  • How to streamline your approach: tools, data infrastructure and ways of working to improve your reporting process.


McCain's Radical Regenerative Ag Program

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  • Measuring impact: the key indicators and data points needed to track and demonstrate progress against regenerative agriculture
  • Building strategic partnerships: principles for identifying and developing partnerships (that will last)
  • Farmer engagement toolbox: how to successfully engage farmers and make regenerative agriculture attractive
  • Financial solutions: innovative financing solutions to tackle upfront costs
  • Communication strategy: compelling B2B and B2c communication techniques to drive engagement and commercial value.


The Biggest Trends to Watch in F&B Sustainability

Forming a Strategy & Vision
Forming a Strategy & Vision
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  • “Action first - reporting second”.
  • Qualities of the “best” kind of decarbonisation initiatives
  • Data transparency is very different between B2B vs B2C


Setting Up and Using Carbon Pricing

Data & Metrics
Data & Metrics
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  • How to make sure your circularity initiative is revenue-generating
  • How to set a carbon cost
  • How do you utilise carbon pricing when data in the supply chain at the product level is sparse?
  • When is a carbon price most defensible
  • Carbon pricing success stories


How to Set up Your Carbon Inset Projects

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  • The principles of a successful insetting project
  • The level of data accuracy needed for compliance vs action
  • How to track and account for carbon removals (when standardisation is lacking)
  • Best practices for monetising carbon insetting projects

Sustainability on a Budget: How to Do More with Less

Sustainability Teams
Sustainability Teams
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  • How the SEC’s climate disclosure ruling impacts your business
  • How to build a strong business case for sustainability
  • How to optimise team set up to unlock resources
  • How to boost company-wide sustainability literacy and buy-in


Sustainability Data: Driving Engagement and Making Claims

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  • Corporate black sliding on climate pledges: is this even a surprise?
  • The Greenwashing clamp down: how to make water-tight claims
  • Topic deep dive: Effective sustainability data comms
  • Internal communication and engagement tactics for sustainability data buy-in
  • External comms: how to demonstrate progress to stakeholders


Get the Most Out of Your Insetting Program

Forming a Strategy & Vision
Forming a Strategy & Vision
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  • Launch effective Farmer Reduction Plans: Lessons from McCains and Innocent
  • Prepare for supply chain disruptions, drawing learnings from the recent coffee crisis
  • Navigate insetting challenges, specifically how to avoid competitors ‘free riding’ off your reduction initiatives
  • Maximise the value of your insets
  • Make reductions work at farm level (multi year contracts)


The Upskilling Procurement Playbook

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  • Latest market highlights: the corporate sustainability report frenzy and the u-turn on CSDDD - is this even a bad thing?
  • Upskilling your procurement team, including: 
  • How to embed sustainability into procurement's BAU
  • The tools and training to enable the procurement team
  • The incentives to put on the table


Building a Sustainable Brand

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  • Mission build fundamentals
  • How to tailor your mission across a global market
  • The big tech innovations to watch out for
  • The benefits of building a meaningful mission


From Chasing Data to Driving Impact: 4 Key Steps

Data & Metrics
Data & Metrics
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  • Prioritise data sets and manage against targets
  • Solve for digitisation, granularity, flexibility, and usability in your infrastructure build
  • Streamline interactions with other systems and organisations
  • Establish optimal relationships with tech teams and third-party providers


SoS #10: The Supplier Engagement Formula: From Survey Fatigue to Actionable Data

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  • What’s happening today: Mass surveying, “one platform rules them all” and an unrealistic push for “universal primary data”.
  • Where we want to get to: data you can actually use.
  • How to get there:  supplier contracts, blended procurement models, strategic upskilling, secure supplier data exchange (PACT)
  • Key learnings from the transition


SoS #9: Live from COP28: Fixing the Food System with Henry Dimbleby

Policy & Regulation
Policy & Regulation
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  • Regenerative agriculture: what exactly regenerative agriculture means, how to fund it and how to implement it
  • Optimising for supplier engagement and primary data use
  • How far corporate influence goes when it comes to sustainability regulations, frameworks and standards


SoS #8: The Unspoken Truths of COP28

Policy & Regulation
Policy & Regulation
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  • Who's here (and who's not)
  • What everyone is thinking, but not saying
  • Where the real progress was made
  • Reasons for optimism

SoS #7: The Sustainability Data Collection Problem

Data & Metrics
Data & Metrics
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  • Primary vs secondary data collection strategies
  • What primary and secondary data is
  • Why we believe the "hybrid approach" is most effective
  • How to implement a hybrid approach at scale


SoS #6: How to Build an Effective Sustainability Team

Sustainability Teams
Sustainability Teams
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  • Team design: Create a clear strategy and vision, identify the optimal structure and organisational set-up for your team and understand where to resource and unlock budget.
  • Roles and responsibilities: Define the different roles and responsibilities needed, identify the skills and experience required for each role, find and recruit the best talent.
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