
Honest takes, latest trends and innovations, regulations and news

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The days of asking a supplier for a corporate footprint may be numbered.

Product Carbon Footprints
Product Carbon Footprints
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  • Opinion piece - aidsfaiusdhfa
  • Ask an expert - aoushaoiuhf
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Emission Numbers on a Consumer Product are Useless

Forming a Strategy & Vision
Forming a Strategy & Vision
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  • Opinion Piece: Emissions Numbers on a Consumer Product are Useless
  • Industry Insight: Carbon Pricing is Poorly Understood and Randomly Assigned
  • Policy Pulse: Nature Restoration Law Finally passed by the EU

We Need to Rethink How We Work with Farmers

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Data & Metrics
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  • Opinion piece: We need to rethink how we work with farmers (Bethany Jones)
  • Industry insight: Universal Primary Data is Not Going to Get you to Net Zero
  • Policy Pulse: The UK Snap Election: “Sustainable” Party Offerings Unpacked (Frankie Musson)

Carbon Pricing: Simple to Set, Powerful to Use

Data & Metrics
Data & Metrics
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  • Opinion piece: How to set and use a carbon price
  • Industry Insight: The consumer won’t pay for sustainability…so why put a claim on the packet?
  • Policy Pulse: ISSB reporting standards taking root in UK

Internal Engagement: Data is Power, But Storytelling is QUEEN

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  • Best practices for driving internal engagement
  • Industry insight: Why sustainability teams struggle to align stakeholders behind their data
  • Policy Pulse: A ~200-word recap on FLAG

Corporate Backsliding on Targets… Well, I’m Not Surprised

Policy & Regulation
Policy & Regulation
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  • Opinion Piece: Corporate Backsliding on Targets... Well' I'm Not Surprised
  • Industry Insight: Building a Sustainable Brand? Be Honest about the F*ck Up's
  • Policy Pulse: All you Need to Know about EPR

The "Best" Kind of Reduction Initiatives

Sustainability Teams
Sustainability Teams
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  • Our (unexpected) takeaways from the SOS Impact event we hosted with 70 F&B Sust professionals
  • Industry Insight: How to bring the sustainability function closer to the action
  • Policy Pulse: Mission Possible Partnership - Decarbonising Industry

Supply Chain Engagement: Whatever You Do… Don’t Segment by Geography

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  • How to prioritise your key suppliers for effective supply chain engagement
  • What's on the mind of every CSO
  • Everything you need to know about SBTi's Carbon Credit Conundrum

Why is My Supplier Engagement Rate SO LOW?

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  • Opinion piece: A guide to supply chain engagement
  • Industry take: How to pitch carbon pricing to the finance team
  • Policy pulse: The SEC ruling: reason for optimism or dismay? 

Don’t Worry About the EU’s Environmental Footprint Programme

Policy & Regulation
Policy & Regulation
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  • Opinion Piece: Don’t Worry About the EU’s Environmental Footprint Programme, by Joseph Poore
  • Industry Insight:  It's Time to Change your Supply Chain Engagement Programme
  • Policy Pulse: The CSDDD Push Back - What Does it Mean for Business

Building a Sustainable Brand: The Secret to Attracting 260,000 Job Applicants

Forming a Strategy & Vision
Forming a Strategy & Vision
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  • Opinion Piece: Building a Sustainable Brand: The Secret to Attracting 260,000 Job Applicants.
  • ‍ndustry Insight: Sustainability Targets: An Act of Faith or Is There Method Behind the Madness?
  • Policy Pulse: Biodiversity Net Gain Guidance.

The Market for Green Premiums: Where Did it Go Wrong?

Capital & Financing
Capital & Financing
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  • Opinion Piece: The market for green premiums... where did it go wrong?
  • Industry Insight: 2024: A Wild Year Ahead for Carbon Markets
  • Policy Pulse:  Farmer protests and the EU Parliament’s ambition scale back

Scalable Biodiversity Measurement: Inputs vs Outputs?

Data & Metrics
Data & Metrics
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  • Opinion Piece: Scalable Biodiversity Measurement: Inputs vs Outputs?
  • Industry Insight: The Responsibilities of the Sustainability Team are Changing, and Fast.
  • Policy Pulse: Setting SBTs for Freshwater.


The Power of Supplier Contracts as your Scope 3 Unlock

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  • Opinion Piece: The power of supplier contracts as your Scope 3 unlock (Saif Hameed)
  • Industry Insight: Why businesses are failing to meet their sustainability targets
  • Policy Pulse: How to prepare for the EU’s greenwashing bans Daniel Enzer

Fixating on Primary Data Won’t Solve for Change

Data & Metrics
Data & Metrics
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  • Opinion Piece: Fixating on Primary Data Won’t Solve for Change with Saif Hameed
  • Lessons Learned: A Roadmap for Farm Level Emissions Reduction with Simon Bonnet, Bel
  • Industry Insight: 4 Takeaways and 1 Prediction to Round Off 2023
  • Policy Pulse: UK Reveals Update on Deforestation Risk Laws with Daniel Enzer


Let’s Stop Talking About "Collaboration”

Forming a Strategy & Vision
Forming a Strategy & Vision
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  • Opinion Piece: Let's Stop Talking About "Collaboration"
  • Industry Insight: The Three Types of Characters at COP28
  • Lessons Learned: Kraft Heinz’s Secret Sauce to an Effective Sustainability Strategy: Data with Cristina Kenz and David Shaw
  • Policy Pulse: The Top COP28 Food Systems Developments

Stop Obsessing Over Sustainability Data Accuracy

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Data & Metrics
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  • Opinion Piece: Stop obsessing over sustainability data accuracy
  • Industry Insight: Why our suppliers don't trust us
  • Lessons Learned: Understanding Decathlon ’s circular transformation game plan with Chris Allen
  • Policy Pulse: What to expect for food systems at COP28 UAE

What I’ve Learned from 50 Million Tonnes of Carbon Data

Data & Metrics
Data & Metrics
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  • Opinion Piece: What I’ve Learned from 50 Million Tonnes of Carbon Data
  • Industry Insight: Does Sustainability = Higher Prices for Consumers?  
  • Lessons Learned: Abel & Cole | B Corp™ Plastic Packaging Redemption - A Conversation with Hugo Lynch, Sustainability Lead
  • Policy Pulse: CBAM Enters its Transition Phase. What Business Needs to Know

SaaS vs LCA: The Best Impact Measurement Option

Data & Metrics
Data & Metrics
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  • Opinion Piece: SaaS vs LCA: The Best Impact Management Option
  • Industry Insight: How to Trust Supplier Data
  • Policy Pulse: Eco design for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) Framework: Moving to Circular Economy Products
  • Sustainability Trailblazers: Optimising your Climate Labelling Strategywith Shaunagh Duncan, Oatly


The Latest and Biggest Sustainability Data Revelations (in F&B)

Data & Metrics
Data & Metrics
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  • Opinion Piece: Our Latest and Biggest Sustainability Revelations (in F&B)
  • Industry Insight: Carbon Cost vs Carbon Price
  • Policy Pulse: The EU Deforestation Law and What This Means for Business
  • Sustainability Trailblazers: Reformation's Crystal Clear Mission

Sustainability Teams are Rarely the Optimal Size.

Sustainability Teams
Sustainability Teams
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Policy & Regulation
Policy & Regulation
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  • Opinion piece: Sustainability Teams are Rarely the Optimal Size.
  • Industry Insight: Companies are setting SBTs with no idea of the cost.
  • Policy Pulse | TNFD release their final recommendations for companies reporting on nature.
  • Sustainability Trailblazers: How Tony's Chocolonely Sustainability Narrative is Made Differently

Sustainability Deadlock: Do I Launch Interventions Blind? Or Wait for Data Visibility?

Policy & Regulation
Policy & Regulation
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Data & Metrics
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  • Opinion piece: The Sustainability Deadlock: Do I get going on creating impact? Or wait for better data?
  • Industry Insight: Contractural terms to drive supplier engagement
  • Policy Pulse | The Latest Sustainability Developments: SBTi set to transform and spur more target validation
  • Sustainability Trailblazers: Less is More. Evian’s Naked Bottle


The Toolkit for a CSO: Pitfalls and Superpowers

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  • Opinion piece: The Toolkit for a CSO: Pitfalls and Superpowers
  • Industry Insight: The danger of data assumptions…
  • Policy Pulse: The EU’s reporting standards for CSRD are finalised, impacting >50,000 companies
  • ‍Sustainability Trailblazers: ‘pre-loved’ scale-up

ESG All-in-One vs. Carbon-Specific Platforms: Finding the Optimal Fit

Data & Metrics
Data & Metrics
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  • Opinion piece: ESG All-in-One vs. Carbon-Specific Platforms: Finding the Optimal Fit
  • Industry Insight: Sustainable Buying Choices are Not Linked to Income
  • Policy Pulse: What SBTi FLAG Guidance Means for Business.
  • Sustainability Trailblazers: Howis Accelerating Decarbonisation Efforts


The Uncomfortable Truth: Suppliers Don’t Want to Share Their Data With You

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Data & Metrics
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Policy & Regulation
Policy & Regulation
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  • Opinion piece: The uncomfortable truth: suppliers don’t want to share their data with you
  • Industry Insight: The most efficient sustainability teams spread the cost across departments.
  • Policy Pulse: Overwhelming support for TPT sees standardised decarbonisation strategies coming into play.
  • Sustainability Trailblazers: How Amazon is turning supplier engagement into a billion-dollar revenue stream.

We Need to Stop Talking About ESG

Forming a Strategy & Vision
Forming a Strategy & Vision
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Policy & Regulation
Policy & Regulation
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  • Opinion piece: We Need to Stop Talking about ESG
  • Industry Insight: Where are sustainability professionals wasting time?
  • Policy Pulse: EU Nature Restoration Law narrowly passes through European Parliament
  • Sustainability Trailblazers: How GrowUp Farms is Revolutionising Modern, Sustainable Farming

Emission Measurement Tools: Do I Build or Buy?

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Policy & Regulation
Policy & Regulation
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  • Opinion piece: Emission Measurement Tools - Do I Build or Buy?
  • Industry Insight: Who is going to pay for sustainability?
  • Policy Pulse: ISSB launches two global sustainability disclosure standards
  • Sustainability Trailblazers: How Daylesford Organic is pushing boundaries on food & farming
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