April 26, 2023

SoS #1: The Role of a CSO, Sustainability Data vs Financial Data and Value Driving Collaboration

What you'll learn

  • How long it will take for sustainability data to have parity of importance with financial data
  • The benefit of using a software tool for measuring emissions vs building a tool internally
  • How to collaborate with customers on sustainability to generate value
  • The evolving role of a CSO

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Live Q&A with Saif Hameed.

Questions covered:

  1. How long do you think it'll take (if ever) for sustainability data to have parity of importance with financial data?
  2. What is the benefit of using a software tool for measuring emissions over building an excel based tool internally?
  3. As a supplier, how can we collaborate with our customers on sustainability in a way that brings us value?
  4. What is the evolving role of a CSO? How should I be thinking about building out my team?

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