October 31, 2023

SoS #8: Establishing Effective Sustainability Governance with Charles Conn (Chair of Patagonia)

What you'll learn

  • Building a mission that is consistently sustainable
  • Using data to prop up your mission
  • Reinforcing your mission with appropriate governance
  • Leveraging your data to reinforce incentives
  • Greenwashing vs greenhushing
  • Understanding when your data is 'good enough' to act upon

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Charles Conn (long serving Chair of Patagonia) and Saif Hameed (CEO of Altruistiq) discuss effective sustainability governance, focusing on how to build consistency around purpose and mission. Points covered:

- How to build a mission that is consistently sustainable

- How data can be used to prop up the mission and focus of the organisation

-How Patagonia has reinforced its mission with appropriate governance (e.g., buy-in, managing incentives)

-How to leverage data to reinforce these incentives

-The best approach for walking the line between green hushing and greenwashing

-Understanding when your environmental data is "good enough" to act upon

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