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Theory x Altruistiq: New York Climate Week Breakfast

8:30am-10:30am, 26th September, New York

In-person Event
In-person Event

Join Altruistiq and Theory in New York for an exclusive breakfast event during New York Climate Week. This event will feature a dynamic panel discussion on "Cross-sector Collaboration in the Supply Chain," led by Altruistiq CEO, Saif Hameed and senior leaders from the fashion and food industries.

SoS Impact: F&B Summit

10th October 2024, London

In-person Event
In-person Event

The State of Sustainability event is back for it's second London instalment. This event brings together a curated list of sustainability professionals working in the food and beverage supply chain. Places are complimentary, but subject to review due to limited capacity.

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The days of asking a supplier for a corporate footprint may be numbered.

Product Carbon Footprints
Product Carbon Footprints
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Data & Metrics
Data & Metrics
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  • Opinion piece - aidsfaiusdhfa
  • Ask an expert - aoushaoiuhf
  • POlicy plse

De-Risk Your Agricultural Supply Chain

Supply Chain Engagement
Supply Chain Engagement
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In this episode, we explore current agricultural supply chain risks and mitigation measures. We cover:

  • Emerging threats: The macro and micro risks and  specific commodities most vulnerable to climate-related disruptions.
  • Building resilience: Strategies to strengthen your supply chain.
  • Environmental data impact: The impact on your environmental data and the role of technology to mitigate these risks.
  • Business case: How to value and communicate risk to bolster your sustainability business case.


Product Carbon Footprint Crash Course with Huel

Product Carbon Footprints
Product Carbon Footprints
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Jessica Sansom, Sustainability Director at Huel shares her top 5 tips for setting up a PCF:

  • Tip #1: Start where you think the majority of your emissions are.
  • Tip #2: Use carbon pricing to drive business decisions.
  • Tip #3: Run the data before running with consumer pressure.
  • Tip #4: Supplier engagement is key to successful PCF implementation.
  • Tip #5: Carbon labelling is a fairly useless exercise…

Must Listen: Product Carbon Footprint Crash Course with Huel

Product Carbon Footprints
Product Carbon Footprints
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Saif Hameed and Jesica Sansom, Sustainability Director at Huel discuss how to set up product carbon footprints (PCFs) to deliver real business value.

We cover:

  • Data collection: The challenges and workarounds in collecting the granular data needed for reliable PCFs
  • Actionable insights: Best practices for using PCF to inform sustainable product design
  • Supplier collaboration: How Huel are fostering innovative solutions with suppliers e.g., rethinking ingredient production methods & running field trials with oat farmers
  • Claims & comms: How to communicate and demonstrate sustainability progress and why product labelling is not the silver bullet solution.


Turn Colleagues from Bystanders to Sustainability Champions with Arla

Internal Engagement
Internal Engagement
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Camilla’s 4 step approach for turning disengaged colleagues into passionate sustainability champions:

  • Build a strong foundation
  • Turn bystanders into sustainability superheroes
  • Run training sessions that resonate
  • Find the perfect balance of narrative vs data

Turn Colleagues from Bystanders into Sustainability Champions with Arla

Sustainability Teams
Sustainability Teams
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Internal Engagement
Internal Engagement
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Camilla Riddiford, Head of Sustainability at Arla UK, shares her advice on how to turn colleagues from bystanders to sustainability champions (without breaking the bank or your sanity).

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Tailored communication strategies for diverse audiences
  • Effective content formats that resonate
  • Balancing data and narratives for a compelling business case
  • Prioritising upskilling, and training programs for key teams


Understanding the Supply Shed

Policy & Regulation
Policy & Regulation
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  • What is a supply shed, and how can it help you overcome challenges in reduction tracking
  • The benefits of using supply sheds include incentivising traceability and enabling collaboration.
  • Challenges to consider, like changes in your supplier base and attribution of reductions.
  • Recommendations for companies, from identifying key suppliers to monitoring interventions.
  • Is the supply shed here to stay?


Oatly's Challenger Brand Recipe for Bold Sustainability Claims

Green Claims
Green Claims
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  • How to make bold sustainability claims
  • How to leverage claims as a competitive advantage
  • Are on pack claims worth it

Green Claims: A Challenger Playbook with Oatly

Green Claims
Green Claims
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How to: 

  • Define a bold and impactful communication style
  • Walk the line between “greenwashing” and “green hushing”
  • Approach on-pack PCFs
  • Capitalise on the commercial opportunities of carbon labelling

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